Ashfall by Mike Mullin is an action-packed story of a cataclysmic natural disaster and its aftermath. The supervolcano under Yellowstone National Park erupts and blankets the U.S.A. in several feet of poisonous ash. Prior to the eruption, a teenager named Alex is left home alone as his family travels several hours away to visit with relatives. When the eruption occurs, a molten piece of rock lands on Alex's house, setting fire to it. Alex narrowly escapes and finds shelter in a neighbor's home. What Alex doesn't know is that his normally safe neighborhood is going to turn into a playground for murderers and looters. After a deadly encounter with two of those looters, Alex decides to leave his home town to find his family.
On his journey, Alex must deal with hunger, thirst, severe coughing fits from the ash, heavy snowfall and freezing temperatures. He meets several friendly and gracious people who share what little food, water, and supplies they have with him. However, he also meets vicious criminals who are willing to do whatever it takes to survive the disaster. At one point, one of those vicious criminals attacks Alex, and he ends up with life-threatening injuries. He is able to survive only with the help of complete strangers. The story takes place over the course of several months. Just when it seems things cannot get worse for Alex, they do. There are challenges around every corner, but Alex never gives up.
Mike Mullin has definitely crafted a page turner in this novel! His efforts to study the possible effects of a supervolcano eruption in the United States show throughout the story. The events are believable and terrifying! In a world where humanity seems to be replaced with desperate animal-like acts of survival, Alex is a character that represents the good that remains. This book is the first in a trilogy that continues the story of Alex, his family, and his friends.
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