I just finished reading Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan, and it was a fun read! This novel is about a young man named Clay Jannon who finds himself out of work. To make a little money, Clay applies for a job at Mr. Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore. He soon finds out this is no ordinary store!
In addition to being open 24 hours a day, this bookstore has volumes of old, dusty books full of code. Strange and unique people visit the store in the middle of the night and borrow these code books for extended periods of time. Clay's job is to not only run the register at the store but to also record in great detail the people who visit the store, their names, their physical appearance, their demeanor, and the books they return or check out.
While working at the store, Clay uncovers some interesting and unusual information that leads him to believe that Mr. Penumbra is part of a strange cult. These people are searching for the clue to an age old mystery and the code books are the key to everything.
Along with being a fun mystery, this book takes a look at how books and technology intersect and their places in the world. Clay meets some interesting characters while trying to solve the mystery and makes friendships that last forever.
If you are looking for a fun, entertaining read, check this book out. The characters will make you chuckle out loud and you will be engrossed in figuring out the mystery behind Mr. Penumbra's bookstore.